Blog Guest: Ozark Green Roofs

Introducing: Ozark Green Roofs! We invited OZGR to talk with us about the story and vision for their company. Also, we talk about how OZGR and Diamond Roofing collaborated on three roof top gardens in South Fayetteville. After reading this, please be sure to follow Ozark Green Roofs on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with their latest projects around Northwest Arkansas!

Share Ozark Green Roofs story and vision. 

Ozark Green Roofs, we like to call it OZGR, is the product of one person’s love for green roofs. In 2008, Lee Porter learned about green roofs and the environmental and aesthetic benefits they provide. In the time in between learning about green roofs and starting OZGR, Lee got involved in the industry by visiting green roofs around the world, going to green roof conferences, and doing roof related research for the University of Arkansas. 

She saw that there was a gap in the green roof industry in Northwest Arkansas. The existing green roofs in the region were installed by out of state companies, and left with no green roof company to maintain them. Green roofs are a unique building material and require regular maintenance. With her background in Landscape Architecture, Lee saw an opportunity to start OZGR to be able to design, install, and maintain green roofs. 

OZGR’s vision is to develop green roofs that benefit the urban environment and create spaces that people will enjoy looking at or being in. The urban environment can have a positive or negative impact of the natural environment, and at OZGR, we believe the best way to have a positive impact is to use the latest and greatest building technologies available. Green roofs are part of that better future. 

Photos provided by Ozark Green Roofs

How did OZGR and Diamond Roofing collaborate for these specific projects?

Ozark Green Roofs partnered with Diamond Roofing to install three green roofs on new construction homes on South College Avenue in South Fayetteville. The homes were designed by architect, Alison Thurmond Quinlan, and built by Red 5 Construction. Diamond Roofing installed one of the most important elements of a successful green roof - the waterproofing layer. OZGR installed the green roofs on top of Diamond Roofing’s waterproofing. Due to their good reputation and quality craftsmanship, we know the green roofs have a strong foundation for a successful life. Thank you Diamond Roofing!

Thank you so much to Lee Porter and Ozark Green Roofs for allowing us to feature your company! These gardens were a fun project for Diamond Roofing. We’ve built flat roofs that require waterproofing, but these were our first rooftop gardens. But hopefully not our last! We look forward to the opportunity to work with Ozark Green Roofs again!